Sim Free Phones

What is Sim Free Phone?
A sim free handsetis essentially just that- a mobile phone handset which isn’t attached to any particular network, that comes without a SIM CARD
Although most handsets that are launched by the likes of Apple, Samsung, Sony and HTC, to name just a few, are usually picked up with a Pay Monthly Contract, Sim Free Deals are getting more and more popular amongst consumers. And here’s why…
So why should you opt for a Sim Free Handset?
Unlike a Pay Monthly Phone Deal, Sim Free Handsetsmean that you actually own your phone.
The way that mobile phone contracts work is that networks ‘hire out’ a handset in return for a monthly commitment. However, with a Sim Freemobile phone, you personally own the handset, meaning you can keep your monthly payments low.
Because a Sim Freedeal consists of just a handset, you will need a SIM card in order to get a package of minutes, texts and megabytes of data. However,Sim Only contracts are far cheaper than traditional Pay Monthly Deals, as you only pay for your tariff. That means that your monthly outgoings are kept to a minimum, which is again great for the bank balance.
Also, Sim Free deals are perfect for those who love to upgrade to the latest tech. With new smartphones being launched every few months, buying a Sim Free Phones means you can upgrade to the latest flagship as often as you want. Plus, with mobile phone recycling becoming a popular way to make a fast buck, you could easily trade in your old handset for a newer, shiner version!
Alternatively, if you’re after a flexible deal when it comes to your mobile phone, then a Sim Free handset is perfect. For those who like to travel, or just need a spare phone, then Sim Free deals are the optimal solution, allowing you to drop them and pick them up whenever you want. Simply pop in a 1 month rolling Sim Only Contractand you’re set!
If you’ve had trouble passing a credit check in the past, then a Sim Free deal might also be the best way to get yourself the handset you really want. IPhone Contracts are often harder to get your hands on if you’ve got a bad credit rating, so by paying for the smartphone upfront, you’ll be sure to get the latest flagship on the market.
Can I use any SIM card with a Sim Free handset?
All Sim Free handsets come unlocked, which means you can use any SIM card in them. This means you’re flexible to swap and change networks in order to find the bestPay Monthly deal that suits your lifestyle.
What Sim Free phones can I get?
Most smart and feature phones are available to buy Sim Free . So whether you’re after a cheap handset to use as a spare, or even the most up to date flagship around, there’ll be a wide range of phonesoption to whet your appetite.