Sim Only

Sim Only Deals

A Sim Only Deal is essentially the same as an ordinary mobile phone contract, except instead of getting a new handset alongside the SIM card, you get to keep your own phone and pay less each month.

What is a Sim Only Deal?

By buying a Sim Only Deal, you get a package of minutes, texts and data which gets replenished each month. How many minutes, texts and megabytes of data you want is an entirely personal decision; you might only use your phone to make a couple of calls each week, or on the other hand, you might love chatting to your friends on Facebook every day. Therefore, it is really important to buy a Sim Only Contract which reflects how you use your mobile phone.

Because Sim Only Deals are far cheaper than most ordinary contract phones, they are growing increasingly popular amongst buyers. Not only are Sim Only Deals more flexible, as they don’t tie you into a 24 month contract, but they also allow you to stick with your existing mobile phone, or to buy a brand new handset outright, keeping monthly costs down.

Advantages of Sim Only Deals

It can be cheaper - Because Sim Only Deals do not come with a handset, they are far cheaper than ordinary contract phones. That means that you are only paying for what you actually need each month, instead of paying for a fancy handset that you might not want or need.

It’s more flexible - Sim Only Deals are also a lot more flexible. Because you are not paying for a handset, there’s no need for mobile phone networks to sign you up to a 24 month contract. That means that you can get a Sim Only contract for as long or you want; this can be just a month on a rolling contract, or it could well extend to a 12 month contract.

First time users - A Sim Onlycontract is also great for first time smartphone users, or for users who don’t know how many minutes, texts or megabytes of data they require. Because Sim Only contracts can last for just one month, users are able to see how they get on without being tied down into a 24 month contract with a restrictive package.

Sim Only Deals are fast becoming one of the most popular options when getting a new phone contract. Compared to traditional mobile phone contracts, Sim Only Deals have many advantages.

First of all, they tend to be more flexible, and don’t require you to sign up to a two year contract, as with deals which come with mobile phone handsets.

Next, Sim Only Dealstend to be cheaper. New handsets are expensive and as you’re not forking out for a handset with your contract, networks don’t need to charge you as much for their services, which brings your monthly payments down.

Another advantage of going Sim Only Deals is that it’s easier to pass the credit check.

If you’ve ever been turned down for a phone contract in the past, opting for a Sim Only contract might be the best solution for getting the phone and tariff that you want. Again, because mobile phone networks aren’t ‘renting’ you a mobile phone handset, it not only brings down the price of your contract, but it also makes you a low risk candidate.

How does Sim Only Deals work?

Sim Only Dealsare simple: select the right package of minutes, texts and data that suits your needs, insert the SIM card into your phone, and you’re good to go.

Users also have one of two options when going for a Sim Only Deals. Content with your existing handset? Because you’re only paying for a SIM card, you can simply pop your new SIM into your current mobile and immediately start saving the pennies! Alternatively, you can purchase the phone of your choice SIM-free, which is great for users who find it tricky getting past the credit check.

And did you know that you can still keep your phone number with a Sim Only contract, even if you switch networks? Simply ask for your PAC code from your current network and transfer this over to your new provider.

Which SIM card should I buy?

One thing to be aware of is that there are different types of SIM cards out there.

For example, users with the latest iPhones will need to compare Nano-SIM cards, whereas those of you looking to replace your iPhone 4 or 4s SIM cards will need to opt for a slightly bigger Micro-SIM.

Likewise, most Android and Windows Phone devices require a Micro-SIM, whilst the latest HTC One M8 will only take a Nano-SIM card.

Therefore, it’s wise to do your research before you commit to your new Sim Only Deals contract.