
Facebook is definitely changing but not dying quickly

Every few months, a report is published suggesting Facebook is in decline. A notable study from researchers at Princeton University published earlier this year declared the social network would lose 80 per cent of its users and die out “like the bubonic plague”. Another from YouGov branded Facebook and rival Twitter's popularity in decline in June, stating a lack of interest, concerns over privacy and advertising fatigue among the key reasons.

Yet for all this doom-mongering, are any fewer of us using Zuckerberg's decade-old platform? GlobalWebIndex has published a comprehensive report on social media use across 32 global markets, encompassing some 170,000 internet users in the largest on-going study into the life of the digital consumer.

Facebook was the only network to see a drop in active usage among its 16-24 year-old users, of 0.5 per cent. Since the start of 2013, sharing photos and messaging friends has fallen by around 20 per cent, according to the report. While more than four fifths (83 per cent) of online adults have Facebook accounts, only 47 per cent consider themselves active users, a decrease of around 100 million users between the beginning and end of 2014.

As it stands, this doesn't look great for Facebook. While it may have more global members (some 867 million), YouTube receives more traffic, with 85 per cent of online adults outside of China regularly visiting the site. YouTube's membership numbers may be lower at 656 million, but it beats Facebook's 76 per cent rate of regular visitation by a comfortable margin.

What this suggests is that users are flocking to YouTube with a specific purpose in mind (to watch funny, educational or just plain weird videos), while Facebook is having difficulty encouraging the users it does have to actively use the platform.

This is partly attributable to the fact Facebook has the oldest user base of all the social platforms, with a quarter of its active users aged over 45. By contrast, more than 70 per cent of Tumblr and Instagram's users are aged between 16-34. Generally, older Facebook members are less likely to be posting, sharing and interacting on the platform as younger members, so it's hardly surprising engagement rates are slightly lower.

This doesn't mean that Facebook is dying a death - far from it. In the face of user fatigue (a decade is a long time in the world of social media), more people than ever before continue to visit, to the tune of an increase of around 90 million each month.

The ways in which we're using Facebook have evolved; we're still using it, but we're more passive observers (read: stalkers) than active sharers these days. And as any regular Facebook visitor will tell you, there's nothing more irritating than that handful of friends who insist on documenting every trip to the gym, passive aggressive grievance or smug moment with a status, or worse, accompanying photo.

What this also means is that social behaviours online are increasingly diversifying; we're using multiple platforms for different reasons. Juggling multiple accounts across different apps and sites means that Facebook isn't the key critical mass it once was.

Instagram, the report points out, is increasingly becoming the go-to app for editing and sharing photos, which could explain a decline in pictures posted on Facebook. We also now hold conversations on dedicated chat apps and off the larger social networks, on WhatsApp, Snapchat and Skype. While the standalone Facebook Messenger app still has more users than WhatsApp, its function will extend beyond simple messaging and into a money transfer service. A Stanford University student uncovered a strand of code detailing the PIN-secured peer-to-peer transfer model currently used by China's WeChat.

Facebook is aiming to become a service provider, allowing its members to buy goods and exchange money alongside keeping up with their old childhood enemies. Instagram and WhatsApp may be in the up, but let's not forget who owns both companies - Facebook. Its diversifying the purposes of each of its platforms, extending its global reach and presence in each of our lives ever more deeply. Just don't expect it to die any time soon.


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