Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts


This is why you shouldn’t leave your smartphone on charge overnight

You could be destroying your smartphone by leaving it on charge overnight. It may not be a good idea to leave your smartphone to charge overnight That’s according to the guys at Battery University who claim if your gadget is kept charging after reaching...


Why you shouldn't let your iPhone get too hot in the heatwave and how to keep it cool

AS TEMPERATURES continue to soar it's important to keep your gadgets from getting too toasty – here's some top tips on keeping things cool in heat. After months of wind, rain and cold Britain is finally in the middle of a heatwave. With the barmy temperatures...


Using your mobile phone in bed can cause temporary BLINDNESS, and this is why

STARING at your phone screen in the middle of the night to quickly check a Facebook notification or skim-read a few emails can leave you with fuzzy vision – or temporary blindness in one eye. This is why. Blindness due to using bright screens in bed was covered...


Hackers are using this nasty text message trick to break into people's accounts

The attacker can sometimes even spoof their identity - so the text looks like it comes from Google, or Facebook he hacker enters the victim's password, followed by an ill-gotten 2FA code, and they're in Two-factor authentication is a godsend for securing...


Facebook is going to delete your synced photos unless you install another of its apps

Facebook is going to delete your synced photos in a few weeks’ time unless you install another of its apps. Facebook is going to delete your synced photos Now if that sentence puzzled you, you’re not alone. Many users have no idea that the synced photos album...


Text scams: The messages that allow criminals to break into your iPhone, and how to spot them

Mobile phones are increasingly becoming the most important part of people’s work and social lives – which means they’re more and more vulnerable to attack A man uses an iPhone 5C at the Berlin Apple Store The next text message you receive could ruin your...


Here’s how to register up to five fingerprints on your device so you don’t get locked out

Have you ever been locked out of your smartphone or tablet because it would not recognise your fingerprint? Five fingerprints are better than one If you have, you may want to register more than one digit in the future, which is something many people do not...


New Report Claims Public Charging Stations Might Not Be So Safe

If your phone runs out of juice while you're out-and-about it might be much safer (but a whole lot more frustrating, obviously) to wait until you can use your own charger to beef up your battery. According to research from Kaspersky Lab, all kinds of information...

These are the 8 things you need to delete from your Facebook to stay safe online and protect your family

Here's how to crime-proof your profile and protect yourself online Is your Facebook a goldmine for criminals? Here's how to protect your profile FACEBOOK has become a staple in many of our day to day lives, but is your Facebook profile a gift for cyber criminals? Most...


How to stop Windows 10 from using YOUR computer for file-sharing

WINDOWS 10 has an in-built feature, dubbed Delivery Optimisation, that turns your PC into a file-sharing hub for other Microsoft users. Here is how to switch it off. Microsoft has created a new optimised update delivery system for Windows 10 Microsoft has...


Charging your mobile phone by plugging it into a computer could be enough to get you HACKED

If you thought plugging your phone into a computer to charge it up was fairly safe, you thought wrong When your phone starts complaining that its battery is running low, you probably wouldn't think twice about plugging it into a computer to charge it up. But...

Texting this number could put an end to nuisance calls on your mobile phone for good

Are you plagued by nuisance calls from sales and marketing companies? There is now a way to opt out... permanently Are nuisance calls driving you mad? Mobile phone users can send a text message to opt out of nuisance calls from today. The "text-to-register"...


9 features you probably didn't know exist in WhatsApp

There are features many users haven't yet discovered There's currently over 1 billion groups on WhatsApp WhatsApp, the app Facebook bought for $19 billion (£12 billion), is used by more than 900 million people around the world and has become one of the...


How to stop Facebook ruining your day with one quick trick

IF YOU'VE had a Facebook account for a while, chances are, the hugely-successful social network has a few memories and photos you'd rather not see plastered across your News Feed. Facebook could kickstart your day by dragging up a painful memory Facebook knows...


How to take better Instagram photos: Tips and tricks for getting the most out of Instagram's editing tools and filters

First things first, the solution to taking better Instagram photos is probably not to use Instagram in the first place. The unfortunate truth is that National Geographic's photographers aren't usually getting those incredible animal photos it shares on its...


This is why you need to restart your computer right now

SHUT IT DOWN: Putting your PC to sleep isn't always the best idea Closing the lid on your laptop without hitting the off button could be causing you a host of issues. Although it's faster and easier to simply send your PC to sleep, not turning it off can...

Don't worry about forgetting your password! New mobile banking app identifies you by how you HOLD your phone

Nationwide's prototype app recognises how you hold, swipe, or type into device People could be able to access their mobile banking by an app recognising how they hold, swipe, or type into their device, due to an innovation from Britain's biggest building society. Nationwide...

Revealed: What really happens if you don't put your phone on flight mode... and 5 more plane myths debunked

Experts have revealed what really happens if you don't put your phone on flight mode during a plane journey It's commonly believed that a device's signal can interfere with a plane's electrical and telecommunications systems but can they cause a crash? Now...