If you own an Android smartphone you need to be aware of a dangerous new virus that's doing the rounds.
The piece of cyber trickery named Mazar, can give hackers administrator rights to the smartphone.
This can then allow them to wipe handsets clean, make calls, or even read your text messages.
Security firm Heimdal, who first detected the malware, believes the malicious text messages could have already been sent to more than 100,000 smartphones.
Currently, phones in Denmark seem to have taken the brunt of the attack and it's not clear whether the malware has spread to other countries.
What makes Mazar serious is that it is transmitted via a text.
Once opened, the malware then downloads onto the smartphone which are then open to a number of different threats.
Attackers can remotely monitor activity on the device, erase personal data, send and receive messages, or make calls to premium numbers.
Chief Executive of the Heimdal security firm, Morten Kjaersgaard told the BBC: "It can do a lot of damage - maybe running up a big phone bill for which the customer would be liable.
"It's not like when you use your credit card and there's an international standard for banks covering [fraud]."
Heimdal tested the Mazar malware on smartphone running Android 4.4 KitKat and lower. Later versions of Google's hugely-popular mobile operating system have not been tested.
Strangely, the malware will not install or work on devices with the language set to Russian.
The advice is clear, users should never click on unfamiliar web links – and should always be suspicious of unsolicited texts.
"Over one billion devices are protected with Google Play which conducts 200 million security scans of devices per day," a spokesperson for Google said.
"Fewer than 1 per cent of Android devices had a Potentially Harmful App installed in 2014, and fewer than 0.15 per cent of devices that only install from Google Play had a Potentially Harmful App installed."
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