Online customers are being prevented from buying certain DVD's and videogames from the popular online retailer Amazon, unless they sign up to the companies subscription service costing £79 per year.
The bizarre sales move was first spotted by Twitter user @joshlhood.
Josh was harmlessly looking for a few DVD's to purchase online when he noticed that he was unable to add the items to his basket unless he subscribed to Amazon Prime.
If you're not currently a member, you will now see a box with a blue border on the right of the page explaining that the item is "Exclusively for Prime-members" stopping you from adding the item to your basket.
BLOCKED: Users are reporting they're unable to purchase certain DVD's and Games
So far this morning customers have noted that DVD's such as The Americans and videogames on PS4 and Xbox One such as FIFA 16, Rainbow Six Siege and Assassin's Creed Syndicate are all unable to be purchased Without an Amazon Prime Subscription.
It's not clear however exactly how many games, DVD's and who knows how many other items are available exclusively to Prime members.
Potential customers can still buy these items from third-party sellers, but if you want it specifically from Amazon you're blocked.
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"Prime-Exclusive items are products for sale on Amazon that can only be purchased if you're a member of Amazon Prime," Amazon says on its website. "As a Prime member, you can choose from millions of Prime-eligible items sold on"
A subscription to Amazon Prime costs £79 per year and they currently offer an option to try it free for 30 days. However, if you're one of the millions of people who've previously tried Amazon Prime in the last year, you'll be unable to try it again.
Meaning the only way you can purchase that 9.99 DVD is if you then sign up to the £79 service.
Daily Star Online has contacted Amazon for comment and will update the story when we know more.
Source: DailyStar UK
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