
So what CAN you do if your mobile provider messes up?

You’ve got to spare a sympathetic thought for Vodafone at the moment (and possibly its customers). Data from telecoms regulator Ofcom reveals that it received three times as many complaints about Vodafone than any other mobile network during the last three months of 2015. Ofcom’s findings reflect our own experiences at resolver.co.uk . We found that Vodafone complaints during the second half of 2015 were more than twice those of any other telecoms rival, and almost five times higher than its nearest mobile provider rival.

Complaints by mobile provider

Vodafone is blaming a switchover to a new billing system for the issues, has apologised to any customers suffering from issues because of this. Overall, though, the news in the telecoms sector seems to be pretty positive – Ofcom says the overall number of complaints received for mobiles, broadband, landlines has dropped, and all other mobile operators complaint levels are well below the telecoms industry average.

But if I do have a beef, how do I raise it?

As with most complaints procedures, it’s best to go direct to the company you have an issue with. Most telecoms companies and mobile phone operators publish an official complaints policy or complaints code of practice on their website, so you can see the sort of service you can expect when you raise a complaint. If you make your complaint via Resolver, too, our system allows you to make the complaint process as painless as possible by guiding you through every bit of it.

Taking the next step

If your complaint with your mobile phone service isn’t resolved, you can take your complaint up a level by raising it with an ombudsman. Before you do this you must wait eight weeks before the ombudsman can begin to investigate your complaint. There are two ombudsmen that cover the telecoms sector – the communications part of Ombudsman Services and an organisation called CISAS (the Communications and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme). The ombudsman you use depends on whose scheme the company you want to complain about is signed up to.

Source: Mirror UK/resolver.co.uk


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