
This WhatsApp update could mean you’ll never miss a call again

Whatsapp likely to introduce voicemail

COMING SOON? WhatsApp could be about to launch voicemail

WhatsApp is already the world’s biggest messaging service and this new feature may be about to make it even more popular.

Rumours are suggesting that the app could soon get a major update which will bring voicemail to its billion users.

WhatsApp already allows voice calls, so adding an integrated voicemail would seem an obvious addition.

Along with voicemail the messaging app may also be planning to add instant call back.

This is expected to appear in user’s notifications and allow a return call to be made with a simple tap on the screen.

There’s no word on when these new features will arrive but WhatsApp is rolling out updates on a regular basis.

Whatsapp likely to introduce voicemail

WhatsApp update

News of this latest update comes as the Facebook-owned firm has just announced that all messages sent via the service will be end-to-end encrypted.

This means when you send a message, the only person who can read it is the person or group chat that you send that message to.

"No one can see inside that message. Not cybercriminals. Not hackers. Not oppressive regimes. Not even us." the company confirmed on its blog.

Source: DailyStar UK


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