
How will Brexit affect the British tech industry? Experts give both sides of the argument

Get the lowdown on whether saying goodbye to Europe will help or hinder one of the most vibrant sectors of the UK economy
British technology after Brexit
Kate Unsworth, CEO of fashion and technology brand VINAYA, thinks membership of the EU helps her business reach a larger market.

"Britain is very good at tech. This is down to the ingenuity of our young people and the quality of our universities but it is also thanks to our membership of the European Union.

"As a fast-growing, Londonbased company creating wearable technology products, at VINAYA we're incredibly proud of the fact that our staff of 35 represent over 20 different nationalities and speak over 30 different languages.

"The EU's free trade single market lets British firms do business and sell their great ideas across borders while the EU provides vital funding for research to our universities and allows them to collaborate with their European counterparts in exciting new projects.

'It isn't just people who work in the sector who benefit. Brits who buy products online benefit from lower prices."

British technology after Brexit

"The British technology industry is one of our most dynamic and evolving sectors, however it's being severely hampered by the EU which is more at home promoting the interests of established firms and products than putting its energy behind the start-ups which are fuelling growth in the UK economy.

"The need to conform to often totally irrelevant EU regulations relentlessly imposed on businesses is also stifling growth.

"For example, financial services analysts Deloitte have reported that proposed European General Data Protection Regulation rules could put at risk an unbelievable 2.8 million jobs.

"It is telling that the majority of the world's leading technology firms originate from the US rather than Europe.

"By Voting Leave, we can take back control and drive economic growth."

SourcE: Mirror UK


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