
Modder adds Google self-driving car to GTA

Self-jacking cars reported to be following
Modder adds Google self-driving car to GTA
A FAKE NEWS REPORT has introduced a self-driving car into the crime-filled nightmare that is Grand Theft Auto.

Actually it is a modder's work, the news report is a nice touch that has been created by YouTuber 'pizzaforbreakfast.' It shows that the Google self-driving bean machine is having a tough time of it on the streets. Good news, it apparently has not encountered the virtual deer that roams those same streets.

The video claims that Google has offered the citizens an early look at its vehicle that will let them text and drive and do all sorts of other things, including taking a nap. The video shows the car running over people in car parks, and mounting the pavement to do the same thing.

"The future is now," says the video as it talks about "a ride like no other". The video shows that it is indeed an unusual ride, but perhaps not one that is uncommon to the Grand Theft Auto world.

Viewers are offered an in-car view, and it looks terrifying. This is a firm parody of the Google self driving car proposition, which has suffered a few prangs but is not as bad as this makes it look. The video creators presumably are not looking forward to sharing tarmac with the Google wacky racers.

"The car is not coming soon exactly", but "according to Google, sooner than you think," adds the video.

It's a fun watch, but very short. It is not quite as compelling as watching the adventures of the virtual deer that another modder, an artist called Brent Watanabe, released onto the same streets earlier this year.

The deer, like the Google car, and just about everyone else in GTA, has been known to cause both chaos and confusion. µ

Source:  Theinquirer UK


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