
Windows 10: Microsoft will stop sharing your wifi passwords with your Facebook friends

MICROSOFT is ditching its controversial Wi-Fi Sense feature from Windows 10.
Microsoft will stop sharing your wifi passwords with your Facebook friends

Your Facebook friends will no longer be able to connect to your home wifi automatically

Microsoft has confirmed it will drop support for its controversial Wi-Fi Sense feature in Windows 10.

The infamous feature, which on Windows Phone 8.1 smartphones, will sync passwords with your contacts on Outlook, Skype and – with an additional setting enabled – your contacts' Facebook friends, too.

Wi-Fi Sense does not share the plain text password needed to access your home broadband, but will instead connect your contacts using a password stored central on Microsoft's servers.

The convenient useful could be used to quickly distribute a new wifi password through the entire office in a matter of seconds.

But the feature will be dropped in a future update to Windows 10, the Redmond software company has confirmed.

Microsoft Vice President of WDG Engineering Systems team, Gabe Aul said: "We have removed the Wi-Fi Sense feature that allows you to share Wi-Fi networks with your contacts and to be automatically connected to networks shared by your contacts.

"The cost of updating the code to keep this feature working combined with low usage and low demand made this not worth further investment."

Wi-Fi Sense will not appear in the final version of Microsoft's upcoming blockbuster update, Anniversary Update, due this summer.

Anniversary Update will also boast a redesigned Start Menu and new handwriting recognition software.

The news comes as renown Microsoft author and pundit Paul Thurrott said the popularity and new capabilities built into iOS and Android could spell the end for Microsoft and Windows 10.

Thurrott said Microsoft was currently facing "a potential extinction moment."

Source: Express UK


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