Dangerous new malware could halt your watching time by locking you out of your TV
Your television could be the next major target for computer hackers.
Security experts have warned that a dangerous new form of virus aimed at smart TVs is on the rise.
Hackers are increasingly looking to attack television sets from abroad, locking users out of their device and leaving them unable to watch unless they pay a sizeable ransom.
The attacks, known as " ransomware", make the lockdown appear like an official organisation, such as police or law enforcement agency has shutdown the affected device.
The warnings often claim illegal content or connections have been made from your TV. This block will then only be lifted when the victim pays a certain ransom to the criminals.

The FLocker ransomware poses as the police to scare users into paying out
That's the warning from security firm Trend Micro, which says it has seen a dramatic increase in the number of attacks targetted at televisions and other smart home products.
This includes viruses that previously only affected smartphones. Android devices in particular have become popular targets for hackers and other cybercrime firms.
The latest attack spotted by Trend Micro claims to be an official warning by the US Cyber Police.
It hijacks a TV set and delivers a warning that the device will remain locked until the victim hands over $200 worth of iTunes gift cards.
As television attacks are such a new form of attack, there's not much that can immediately be done until more security firms understand how the attack works.
If you are attacked, however, Trend Micro recommends contacting your TV's maker for assistance, and only installing apps onto your devices from well-known sources such as Google Play.

Hackers are turning to ransomware for big payouts
Ransomware is one of the fastest-growing cybercrime trends as cyber-criminals look to target more victims than ever before.
The tactic has even begun to hit Apple's Mac devices, as a campaign discovered back in March was affecting a number of users who downloaded software from an unauthorised source, and were then forced to pay a ransom of 1 bit coin ($400).
And hackers have increased their attacks after several victims paid out big money to free themselves from ransomware.
One of the most lucrative payouts saw a hospital in Hollywood shell out more than £11,000 in bit coins after its computer systems were left crippled after an attack.
Android users were also warned about the security of their devices earlier this year following a campaign that threatened to wipe users' phones simply by opening a text message that then downloaded dodgy software to the device.
Source: Express UK
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