Nearly every smartphone made today, even budget ones, feature a GPS sensor thus shifting navigation apps towards mobile phones was a natural move for the industry. We come from a time when you had to carry around a separate navigation device when embarking on a longer journey, but that was still unmeasurably better than fumbling around with a map for which you had to have a degree in cartography to actually get anywhere. Thankfully those days are behind us and today we have more elegant solutions such as TomTom’s GO navigation. Being on the market for quite some time, the folks at TomTom know a thing or two about navigation, so it will be interesting to see how their improved app has turned out.
Unlike previous versions of TomTom’s app, this one is actually free to download. In order to attract more users to their platform, TomTom offered it free for the first 50 miles every month. This approach to TomTom GO is allowing users to experience every feature for a limited amount of time. And by limited amount of time we mean an allowance of 50 miles per month. Unfortunately, the miles don’t transfer from month to month so it’s better to use them up before they expire.

What happens when you reach the mileage limit you might wonder? Users will still have access to route planning, overview, and even traffic information, but turn-by-turn navigation and its goodies such as traffic avoidance and speed camera alerts will be off limits. Although there are many free alternatives out there, we think this is a great way to showcase the product to potential customers. The 50-mile allowance isn’t a barrier that you have to overcome, rather it represents a comfortable zone for testing out the product and all its features. Additionally, there is no time limit so you aren’t pressured into buying it just because the trial period is expiring.

Subscription stuff aside, how does TomTom’s interface perform in the real world? Well like all their products, TomTom GO provides users with a ton of options and unprecedented clarity when navigating big cities. 3D buildings provide reference points so you can actually plan your turns ahead and the traffic information is just a lifesaver on any trip. It is a feature we want to single out simply because it can save you hours on any journey. The downside is that you have to be connected, but it’s an obstacle we are willing to overcome. Those venturing into areas without internet connection will be glad to know that maps can be downloaded for offline use. Just make sure you have enough free space and download the maps before setting off because they are quite hefty and best downloaded over Wi-Fi. Route planning includes the standard settings such as shortest, fastest, most eco-friendly, etc.

TomTom’s latest smartphone app isn’t free like some competing apps, but it’s certainly worth every penny thanks to countless features and regular map updates. Features such as live traffic info just aren’t that robust on free apps and TomTom just feels more refined in every aspect. For those that travel often or commute between cities, TomTom GO is definitely a worthwhile investment.
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