Experts have revealed what really happens if you don't put your phone on flight mode during a plane journey
It's commonly believed that a device's signal can interfere with a plane's electrical and telecommunications systems but can they cause a crash?
Now experts can reveal the truth behind the popular belief and found out exactly what does happen, according to the MailOnline Travel.
Despite some passengers believing their phones could bring the plane down, they claim modern technology is safe and reliable and there's no evidence electronics have ever caused a crash.
Despite many passengers believing their phone signals could cause the plane to crash, there isn't any evidence of this actually occurring
In fact, the most likely reason for airlines asking passengers to put their devices on flight mode is to avoid annoying the pilots and air traffic controllers with awful sounds.
Airline workers experience the same sort of unpleasant sounds that we do if a mobile phone is too close to a set of speakers.
Writing on a blog post for the site AirlineUpdates, a pilot revealed that although mobiles can cause audible interference with the aircraft's radios, it's rare.
While writing a blog post for the website AirlineUpdates, a pilot revealed that it's very rare for a device's signal to interfere with the radio signals but there have been occassions when they cause unpleasant sounds
The pilot continued: "You’ve probably heard this interference yourself when a phone is set near a speaker.
"It sounds like a “dit-dit-dit-dit” tone and it’s pretty annoying."
If a plane makes 50 journeys, the interference occurs only twice, on average, over that period of time and often this can be because of cabin crew member's phones.
But, if there are repeated interferences, it can cause the pilot or crew to miss a crucial radio call from air traffic control.
Now, some international airlines are introducing telecommunication base stations that operate at very low power and designed not to interfere with crew's signals.
And here are 5 more facts you didn't know about planes:
1. The toilet DOESN'T empty out into the skyContrary to some people’s beliefs, when you go to the loo during a flight, the faeces and urine don’t just fall from the sky.
Patrick Smith, a pilot and author of Cockpit Confidential, a book about air travel explains what really happens.
“At the end of a flight, the blue fluid, along with your contributions to it, are vacuumed into a tank on the back of a truck,” he says.
2. Those little holes in the windows are there for a good reasonAlthough the little holes in plane windows can make people feel a little uneasy, they’re actually there to improve our flight.
The tiny gaps are actually used to regulate air pressure inside the plane’s cabin to prevent any potentially deadly depressurising in mid-air.
3. They don't dim the lights to create extra power to land safelyDimming the lights for landing may seem like a strange idea to many but the safety measure could save lives.
Pilot Chris Cooke explains the precaution is taken so if an emergency situation broke out, the travellers’ eyes would’ve already adjusted to the darkness.
4. Smoking is banned... but planes DO still have ashtrays. Here's whySmoking on planes was banned for US domestic flights in 1988, with most airline companies jumping onboard by the end of the 1990s.
So, why are there still ashtrays dotted around the plane?
Well, According to a British Airways spokesperson: "It is a legal requirement, under air navigation orders, to have ashtrays because while smoking is not permitted on flights, if someone were to light a cigarette on board there must be somewhere to safely extinguish it."
5. The toilet is NOT the dirtiest part of the planeMany would assume the toilet seat is the filthiest part of a plane, but worryingly it doesn't even make the top five.
Below is the list of the most germ-ridden spots so next time you're flying, make sure you bring the hand sanitiser.
- The headrest
- The seatbelt
- Tray tables
- Toilet flush button
- In-flight magazines
Source: The Sun UK
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