
Lad receives heartwarming email from dad – two years after he died

HEARTWARMING: The bloke received a message from his dad...even though he was dead

Reddit user Bertie_McSlurp was shocked to find an email from his dad sitting in his inbox – because his father died two years previously.

The heartwarming message tells his son "a few insights we never got around to discussing in the last few months were I was still coherent".

The dad, who sadly knew his time was running out said he hoped his son had "adjusted well enough to live without the old man" and helped his mother cope with the loss.

The email said: "Hello Son. I am talking to you from the grave, woooooooo.

BEYOND THE GRAVE: The lad received a message from beyond the grave

"I always said I will come back and haunt you.

"Seriously by the time you read this, I will have passed on.

"Hopefully by now you have adjusted well enough to life without the old man and you have managed to help your mother adjust.

"I have complete confidence you will be taking just as good care of her as I did."

The dad goes on to explain he is writing the piece because the morphine he took in his last few months turned him into a "bit of a vegetable".

The email goes on to say how proud he is of his son, before the Reddit user cuts it off saying "it gets personal".

This communication from beyond the grave isn't a result of the supernatural however.

It is thanks to website FutureMe, which allows users to send postdated emails to themselves or others.

Source: Daily Star UK


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