
Vodafone tops mobile provider complaints list

Vodafone tops mobile provider complaint list


Ofcom’s latest data on consumer gripes about telecoms and broadband suppliers has revealed a dip in total complaint volumes at the end of 2015, but showed little change in which providers people were complaining about.BT and TalkTalk had more TV complaints, at 15 and 14 per 100,000 customers – which is quite a bit lower than their numbers last quarter.

Ofcom’s pay-monthly mobile complaints per 100,000 customers places Voda firmly on the naughty step.EE’s main complaint drivers related to fault, service and provision issues; complaints handling procedure; and billing, pricing and charging complaints.EE meanwhile is yet again the most complained about broadband provider, although complaints to Ofcom about it fell between October and December to 34 per 100,000 customers, from 45 the previous quarter.But the pay-monthly mobile sector was the only one to see a rise in complaints after the Vodafone issues.

Vodafone apologised to affected customers following the company’s “highly complex” switchover of customers on to its new billing system.”We will continue to work hard to ensure our customers get the best possible customer experience on Three”.”We would like to apologise to any customer who has had an issue with our service”, the group added.However, broadband and fixed line services continued to generate the highest number of complaints during this time.The regulator said it receives just under 300 telecoms complaints a day from consumers.

The UK broadcast regulator’s Smartphone Cities report said that a test clip successfully streamed in high definition in 97% of attempts on EE’s 4G network, compared with 87% on Three, 86% on Vodafone and 85% on O2.It also has an open investigation into Sky and its contract cancellation practices.Technology is doing great things for all sorts of industries and services, but its rapid development has also meant customers become increasingly expectant about what they think companies should be delivering and entitled to a seamless experience without blips.The phone giant was also the second most complained about landline provider with 25 complains for every 100,000 customers.


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