
7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

There are now dozens of apps for your Apple iPhone to help you during Ramadan.
7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

Features include anything from iftar recipes for breaking your daily fast, access to religious scripts, directions to Mecca and reminders to pray.

Here are seven of the best Ramadan apps around at the moment.

1) iQuran

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

This app is perfect for having easy and quick access to Koran readings and recitations.

The iQuran app is great because verses are translated into many different languages and fonts and background can be customised. Audio control is also available so you can playback verses and easily memorise them.

2) Athan Pro

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

This app calculates the times you should be praying. It is particularly useful as it does this using your actual geographical position so you will always pray at exactly the right time.

3) Ramadan Fitness Challenge

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

It’s pretty hard to keep up with your daily fitness routine when you are struggling to get through your daily fast – but this Ramadan Fitness Challenge app gives you realistic daily challenges to keep you trim and your mind focused.

4) Ramadan Legacy

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

Ramadan Legacy is basically like an online journal to help you through the holy month. The idea is that it helps you stay organised and plan your personal goals while also sharing photographs and reflections in your social stream.

5) My Halal Kitchen

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

This is perfect for reipe ideas for iftar from red lentil soup to shrimp harissa tagine.

6) ShareTheMeal

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

And it isn’t just about your own meals. ShareTheMeal makes sure you think of those in need, allowing you to donate 50 cents to help feed refugee children each time you tap the app.

7) Muslim Pro

7 Apple iPhone apps that are perfect for Ramadan

The Muslim Pro app works out your prayer time according to your geographical location. There is a calendar and compass to help you find the direction of Mecca, plus Koran scripts and directions to the nearest mosque and halal restaurants.

SourcE: Metro uk


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