Firefox or Chrome? Safari or Explorer?
Your choice, however, could reveal much more.
According to a new book, Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, those who use Firefox or Chrome are more likely to remain in their jobs than Safari or Explorer users.
Professor Adam Grant used research conducted by Michael Housman, which involved 30,000 customer service agents. It found that employees who used Firefox or Chrome remained at their posts 15% longer than those who used Safari or Explorer.

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A second test found that Firefox and Chrome users were 19 per cent less likely to miss work, and had higher sales and shorter call times.
Their customers were also happier. Ninety days from the start of their job, the Firefox and Chrome users had higher customer satisfaction than Safari and Explorer users had after 120 days.
Professor Grant suggests that making the effort to download Firefox or Chrome, which are not pre-installed on PCs or Macs, shows resourcefulness and initiative.
Mr Housman told Freakonomics Radio that ‘the fact that you took the time to install Firefox on your computer shows us something about you.’
SourcE: Metro UK
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