
This is what happened when a woman posed as a 13-year-old on Tinder

A fake Tinder profile set up as a 13-year-old girl attracted sexual massages within the first minutes of signing up, a shocking investigation has revealed.
This is what happened when a woman posed as a 13-year-old on Tinder

The profile, going by the name ‘Amy’, matched with 200 males and received messages from 122 of them. 70% of the men who messaged were over the age of consent, even though Tinder policy was to restrict people aged between 13 and 17 to a youth section.

One man even said in his profile that he was 24 years old and was ‘laughing at the internet’.M

One 16 year old said to her: ‘I think your [sic] really hot.. you wanna maybe meet up and have sex sometime?’

The investigation was set up by an undercover Good Morning Britain producer who ran the profile for one week.

This is what happened when a woman posed as a 13-year-old on Tinder

Many of the men she matched with were over the age of consent

In total, eight males directly asked the child for sex. Four requested photos and two requested nude photos. One in five males had partial nude photos on their profiles and five males asked the girl to message them through an untrackable encrypted app.

The revelation comes after Tinder banned under 18s from using the service, coming into effect from next week.

Tinder said this policy had been under review for some time and was not related to the investigation.

Athene Hunt, the producer who posed as the girl, said: ‘It was absolutely shocking. I mean seconds into matching on that app we were having explicitly sexual messages sent. It wasn’t a conversation that escalated into that, it was direct requests for sex from the very off and worse later on.’

Child protection expert Jim Gamble said parents should check what apps their children are using and prevent them using dating apps. ‘No child at 13 should be on a dating site,’ he said. ‘Parents ask yourself, would you drop your child off at a nightclub in London tonight? I don’t think you would, [not] your 13 year old.’

Source: Metro UK


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