
WhatsApp VIRUS warning: Hundreds sent Dance of the Pope video hoax

HUNDREDS of WhatsApp users have received a warning over a purported smartphone-deleting VIRUS, entitled The Dance of the Pope.
WhatsApp VIRUS warning

The message – which has spread across the popular messaging application – warns users NOT to accept a video called “The Dance of the Pope”.

It claims the papal-themed video is in reality a “dangerous” mobile virus “that formats your mobile phone”.

"Beware, it is very dangerous," the chain mail message cautions. "It was announced on the radio in the United States."

However, a number of security blogs have dismissed the WhatsApp video as a simple hoax.

The WhatsApp warning has been branded a chain letter – a hoax which encourages readers to share the message with their contacts.

The “Dance of the Pope” video threat is similar to another hoax which spread across WhatsApp over the summer.

Warnings over an imminent terrorist attack on the London Underground were circulated on the messaging platform and other popular social media websites.

Typically, the hoax messages would begin with an explanation about the origin of the tip-off – usually a friend who worked for the Met Police or Transport for London.

"They think there's a terror threat and that it will happen on the tubes tomorrow around the west end area,” the message would warn.

It would then claim that "every single police officer in the Met has been called into work from 4am onwards".

A Metropolitan police spokesman later confirmed the messages were a "definite hoax"

"These rumours are not uncommon," he added.

"The only thing that gives them any credence is people re-tweeting them and circulating them."

A member of the Support Team at WhatsApp told Express.co.uk: "That message is a hoax and did not come from WhatsApp.

"Please disregard the message and do not resend it.

"We do not use WhatsApp to mass message our user base, nor would we ever send you a message advertising gifts or asking you to forward a message to your contacts."

Source:  Express UK


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